Friday, February 21, 2014

Tastings: Evan Williams Bottled in Bond

I think I'd seen Evan Williams BIB before at Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY but, I really didn't feel moved to get any because it was usually on or near the bottom shelf and, for some reason, the white label didn't really appeal to me that much.  I guess there is something to be said about marketing and branding after all or, maybe I just have some deep sub conscience thing about white labels.  At  any rate, the white label appeals to me quite a lot since I actually tasted what was actually inside the bottle.

The reason I decided to try it was due, in large part, to Jason Pyle's Sour Mash Manifesto review of EWBIB I came across on Youtube.  If you're a boubon enthusiast or just getting acquainted with it, check out Jason's Sour Mash Manifesto blog as well as his wonderful Youtube reviews.  So, I owe you a drink if we should ever cross paths Jason.  Another factor that made the purchase that much easier was, it's an absolute steal at 15.99 per 750 ml and that's at a high priced liquor store; I'd guess the price at my favorite Liquor Barn would be at an even lower price point.

Well, you might be asking, how did it taste?

I must say Jason was spot on with his review.  At 100 proof it's a big, bold whiskey that has a lot of forward sweetness that's closely followed the full flavor profile that's always prominent in a good whiskey; lots of vanilla, oak char and a little earthy spiciness to top it all off.  It's got a looooong finish and it's got plenty of 100 proof heat but not enough to be off putting.  It's as if the alcohol is a part of the flavor instead of masking it as sometimes happens in a high proof bourbon.  As you can tell, I'm a fan and I plan to have this one on hand to share any friends and enthusiasts that might drop in.

This particular bourbon seems to be somewhat scarce or maybe I've overlooked it in the past.  If you run across any on your bourbon excursions,be sure and take a bottle home with you.

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